Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: DIVORCE
Year of Publication: 1998
Publisher & Location: Albert Whitman & Company, Morton Grove, IL
ISBN #: 0-8075-5221-6
Target Age Level: Pre-school
# of Pages: 24
Quality of Illustrations: Good colorful watercolor illustrations.
Brief Summary: This is a basic book about divorce. A young bear learns two important things as her family get divorced. The first one is that some things stay the same even when there is a divorce. She can still go for walks with dad and make bread with mom. She will still have birthday parties and she can still sleep with her Bunny’s ear next to her cheek no matter whose house she is at. The second thing is that the divorce is not her fault.
Post reading activity:
Help the child make a list of things that he or she does with each parent on two separate sheets of paper. For young children you may want to draw pictures. You may then want to use puppets to act out doing activities at different parents homes. The use of the puppets may also be a good way for the child to feel it is safe to say how the “puppet” feels about divorce.
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