Saturday, June 6, 2009

Don't Call Me Pig!

Title: Don’t Call Me Pig!

Author: Conrad J. Storad

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Insensitivity to individual or group differences

Year of Publication: 1999

Publisher & Location: Resort Gifts Unlimited, Inc. Tempe, AZ

ISBN#: 1-891795-03-1

Target Age Level: Elementary

# of Pages: 29

Quality of Illustrations: Very good

Brief Summary: This book is told from the standpoint of a javelina- a wild boar or collared peccary that lives in the southwest desert. While the javelina may look a lot like a pig, have a snout like a pig, and grunt like a pig, it most certainly is not a pig. Through clever rhyme the javelina describes it’s characteristics, eating habits, habitat, and personality while emphasizing the point that it is not a pig.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book: none

Post Reading Activities: Have students describe the differences between pigs and javelinas. Then lead a discussion about different ethnicities. Have students complete a Venn diagram or T-chart to point out differences (and similarities, if using a Venn diagram) about people from different ethnicities. Talk about why people feel strongly about having their ethnicity correctly identified.

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