Thursday, June 18, 2009


Author:Darleen Bailey Beard

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Natural Disaster

Year of Publication:1999

Publisher & Location: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd. : CAN


Target Age Level: elementary

# of Pages:32 pages

Quality of Illustrations: blury

Brief Summary:

A rural family and its neighbor face potential disaster as a tornado heads for their homes in this suspenseful though ultimately reassuring picture book. Natt and Lucille enjoy a sultry summer day eating Popsicles and pretending to be royalty. As they dart through the yard, a serious storm kicks up and brings them indoors. When Mama spots an ominous funnel cloud in the distance, she sends Natt and Lucille racing out toward the storm cellar built into the yard while she heads next door to help Mr. Lyle take shelter. During the next several minutes, Natt and Lucille hunker alone in the dark, waiting for the storm to pass and afraid for Mama and Mr. Lyle's safety. Happily, the twister moves on, having caused minimal damage, and Natt and Lucille are quickly reunited with Mama.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children:

Beard gets all the details right: the sky turning the color of Mama's guacamole, an ominous silence followed by the "monstrous howling" of wind. The kids are really apealing and the book is a realistic look at what a tornado is like.


I might read this book after a tornado drill to give the children a real sense of what they are prepairing for.

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