Monday, June 8, 2009

The Healing Book Facing the Death and Celebrating the Life of Someone You Love

Author: Ellen Sabin
Type or emotional/crisis issue addressed: Death and Loss
Year of Publication: 2006
Publisher and Location: Watering Can, China
ISBN# 097598683
Target Age Level: Elementary
# of Pages: 63
Quality of Illustrations: Good
Brief Summary: This book is set up like a work book, the child can read through with an adult or independently. It helps them identify what they’re feeling after someone they love died. It lets them know that whatever they’re feeling is okay. They can write down their questions about death, where people go, what happens after they die, etc. Then it goes through remembering the person who died. The child can make a scrapbook about the person who died. They can include different memories including pictures or stories. It also offers some ways to feel better, and gives space for a journal for the child to express themselves.
Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: It’s a great book that could really help a child process the loss of someone they loved.
Activity: Work through the book with a child. It may take some time. Let the child work through the book at their speed.

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