Monday, June 8, 2009

Misery Moo

Author: Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross
Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Depression, sadness
Year of Publication: 2003
Publisher & Location: New York: Henry Holt & Co.
ISBN#: 0805076727 
Target Age Level: Lower elementary
# of Pages: 24
Quality of Illustrations: Great
Brief Summary: A pessimistic cow is so resistant to a lamb's attempts to cheer her up that the previously happy-go-lucky lamb starts to feel just like the miserable cow. In the end, the cow is so happy that the lamb cares about her that she cheers up. Both learn to be happy with each other, even when it rains.
Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: none
Activity: Have the child make a list or draw things that make him/her happy, sad, mad, etc. Talk about how he/she can feel different emotions, even in the same situation.

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