Thursday, June 18, 2009

Elaine's Circle

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Elaine's Circle

Author: Bob A. Katz

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed:
serious/chronic/acute illness, death, and loss.

Year of Publication: 2005

Publisher & Location: Marlowe & Co., New York

ISBN#: 1569243840 9781569243848

Target Age Level: High School and above

# of Pages: 219

Quality of Illustrations: The cover page is the only illustration and it is warm and inviting.

Brief Summary:
Elaine Moore, a veteran teacher in Eagle River, Alaska, is a firm believer that the classroom is, first and foremost, a community—and that learning is best when shared in a circle of peers. When one of her students, ten-year-old Seamus Farrell, is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Elaine, her students, and her innovative methods of teaching are put to their most severe test. Elaine’s Circle is the true account of this small-town teacher who led her fourth-grade students through the biggest challenge of their young lives. This book provides a heart-wrenching, intimate look at the utterly remarkable achievements of this dedicated teacher, a supportive community, and a group of children who rallied to make Seamus Farrell’s impending death an unforgettable lesson about life.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: This is a personal favorite and should be read with a box of tissues. I would recommend this to students and teachers alike. It's inspiring what a teacher and students can do when one of their own is suffering from a terminal illness-love it!

Activity: In the book students make a quilt for Seamus. The class could make a quilt representing all of their unique contributions to the classroom.

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