Friday, June 12, 2009

It's My Body: A Book to Teach Young Children How to Resist Uncomfortable Touch

Author: Lory Freeman
Type or emotional/crisis issue addressed: Child sexual abuse
Year of Publication: 1982
Publisher and Location: Parenting Press, Inc: Seattle
ISBN# 0-943990-03-3
Target Age Level: Lower Elementary
# of Pages: 24
Quality of Illustrations: Show emotion, but is in black and white (a little dated).
Brief Summary: It describes situations where touching is acceptable and when touching can make a person uncomfortable, whether someone is touching you or wants you to touch them. It provides the reader with how to respond and what to say.
Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children:
Using the illustrations, explain that the person can be an adult, child, a stranger, or someone you know.
Activity: There is a section that includes phrases that a child can say if they feel uncomfortable. When reading out loud, have the children say the phrases over and over.

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