Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Color of His Own

Author: Leo Lionni

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Making and keeping friends

Year of Publication: 1997

Publisher & Location: Random House Children’s Books, New York

ISBN#: 0-679-88785-7

Target Age Level: Preschool, Lower Elementary

# of Pages: 32

Quality of Illustrations: Good

Brief Summary: A chameleon thinks that he has no color of his own as he frequently changes colors. Then one day a chameleon has an idea to remain one color forever by staying on the greenest leaf he can find. When another chameleon suggests they travel together, he learns that companionship is more important than having a color of his own. No matter where he goes with his new friend, they will always be alike.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: None

Activities: Have students color a picture of the chameleon with his many different colors. Then have them team up with a classmate and draw pictures of both of them doing or representing some of the things they have in common.

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