Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When I Feel Angry

Author: Cornelia Maude Spelman

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Anger

Year of Publication: 2000

Publisher & Location: Albert Whitman & Company, Morton Grove, IL

ISBN#: 0-8075-8897-0

Target Age Level: Pre-K

# of Pages: 22

Quality of Illustrations: Good

Brief Summary: A little rabbit learns what anger is and how to control it.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: Describes anger in a way that young children can understand it.

Activities: Talk about scenarios that make us angry and then role-play how we feel and what we can do.

1 comment:

neochic82 said...

Activity idea: Create a worksheet that has two columns: What happened & What I Did. Have the students fill in some of the things the main character experienced and the reaction. Then have the students write in some of their own experiences and how they should react.