Friday, May 29, 2009

The Face at the Window

Type of emotional/crisis issues addressed: MENTAL ILLNESS

Regina Hanson; Illustrated by Linda Saport

Year of Publication:

Book Title:
The Face at the Window


Age Level:
Lower Elementary

# of pages:

Quality of illustrations:
Wonderfully ethnic, warm chalk illustrations

Brief Summary:
The book is set in Jamaica where a young girl named Dora is scared by the stories her friends tell of the woman, Miss Nella, that lives in their neighborhood. One day, Dora and her friends go over to Miss Nella’s and try to get some mangoes by hitting them down with stones. One of Dora’s stones misses, hitting Miss Nella’s door and she appears at the window as they run away. Dora is convinced that Miss Nella saw her and that she is coming to get her revenge. Dora begins blaming herself for a myriad of bad luck until her father finally convinces her that Miss Nella’s mental illness is what causes her odd behavior and that Dora is not being punished with bad luck. Her parents eventually help Dora develop compassionate rather than fearful feelings towards Miss Nella.

Post reading activity:
Have the children draw pictures of people they have known with mental illnesses. Explain what mental illnesses are, what it means to have a mental illness and then have the children talk about the people they drew and have them name one nice thing they would feel comfortable doing for that person.

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