Sunday, May 17, 2009

Amazing Gracie

Author: A.E. Cannon

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Mental illness of a parent, family financial problems, suicide

Year of Publication: 1991

Publisher & Location: Dell Publishing, New York, New York

ISBN#: 0440215706

Target Age Level: Jr High, High School

# of Pages: 214

Quality of Illustrations: None

Brief Summary: (Set in American Fork and Salt Lake City, UT )Gracie’s father died when she was four, so it’s been her and her mother ever since. Gracie looks a lot like her mother, but she’s afraid she’s like her in other ways. Cynthia, Gracie’s mom, struggles with depression. She had to go to the state hospital when Gracie was seven. Gracie has felt it her duty to keep her mother happy. Cynthia gets remarried to Pete who sometimes seems irresponsible. Gracie has to adjust to a new step-father and step-brother. Pete moves the family to Salt Lake City so he can pursue his multi-level marketing career. This should help Cynthia with her depression, but it doesn’t. She spirals down until she attempts suicide. Gracie finds her lying on her bed. Cynthia is taken to the hospital where she stays for a while. She eventually returns and there is hope that she will be able to control her depression.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: The characters are very real and believable. It could be very applicable to students in this area as it is set in American Fork and Salt Lake.

Activity: Have students identify what Gracie is experiencing with a mother who suffers from depression. Identify how she handles the responsibility and her feelings towards her mother when she attempts suicide.

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