Friday, May 29, 2009

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

Type of emotional/crisis issues addressed: DEATH AND LOSS

Leo Buscaglia

Year of Publication:

Book Title:
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf


Age Level:
Early Elementary

# of pages:

Quality of illustrations:
Live picture book

Brief Summary:
This story is a story about a leaf named Freddie. It is a simple story that takes you through the various seasons of life that Freddie and his companion leaf friends go through, ultimately falling to the ground in the winter time and changing homes or “dying.” Freddie proceeds to ask a lot of questions, most questions that you would expect a small child to ask and he gets his questions answered in a clear and direct way while still sensitive for young readers. Great book.

Post reading activity:
Have the children talk about a time they had someone they knew that changed homes and died. Ask them to share how that made them feel and how Freddie would feel. Help the children process the answers to the difficult questions posed in this book.

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