Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mad Isn't Bad

Author: Michaelene Mundy; Illustrated by R.W. Alley

Type or emotional/crisis issue(s) addressed: Anger

Year of Publication: 1999

Publisher & Location: Abbey Press; St. Meinrad, IN

ISBN#: 0-87029-3331-1

Target Age Level: Lower elementary

# of Pages: 32

Quality of Illustrations: colorful, non-threatening

Brief Summary: Book about an elf that is learning to deal with his anger. Discusses what causes anger in children/people, talks about why anger isn't "bad", and how to use anger positively. Talks about how to obtain help from adults and how anger can lead to negative and unhealthy behaviors.

Personal Comments/Biases, and/or Things to Consider When Using This Book With Children: Good book to use for anger, but can also be used to talk about other negative emotions. Anger tends to be a common response to a variety of trauma or crises so this is a helpful book for children.


1. Read book 2. Talk about a time the child was mad and how they dealt with it 3. Talk about options (both good and bad) of behaviors when the child is mad 4. Have the child draw or write out what they plan to do next time they get angy.

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